Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 

The Renew Class

Hosted by Shyla Cash

Discover how you can leverage neuroplasticity to repair your nervous system from trauma and the power of God’s Word to transform your whole self - mind, body and spirit!

Neuroplasticity is the nervous system’s ability to change and restructure itself after injury or trauma. In trauma recovery and nervous system repair, neuroplasticity is the foundation. Where the brain and body previously adapted to chronic stress and trauma and is disorganized - the brain and body can also adapt to safety, health and balance through accessing neuroplastic ability.

That means that old patterns, coping mechanisms and even chronic health issues can improve or fall away when we learn how to bring the nervous system into a place of balance and health.

God’s Word teaches us to renew our minds through surrendering to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit! 

Just as the body and brain can be renewed and repaired through neuroplasticity - God can work miracles in our soul and spirit when we allow Him to transform each and every part of us.

At the Renew class you’ll learn practical tools to support you in trauma recovery and nervous system regulation. And - you’ll learn how God’s Word can empower you to be renewed at the spiritual level.

Here's a summary of what we will cover: 

-3 Key Tools to Access the Power of Neuroplasticity and get started in Repairing your Nervous System that You can use right away 

-How to  support your brain and nervous system to adapt to safety, balance and resilience

-Break Free from old mindsets and trauma patterns that seem to keep you stuck in unhealthy habits, coping mechanisms and chronic health conditions

-Understand how chronic stress and the freeze response prevent neuroplastic healing

-The Power of God’s Word and the Gospel to bring health to our physical, mental and emotional self

The Renew Class

Hosted by Shyla Cash